ニュージーランド x ランニングライフ



NZ Superannuation age to lift to 67 in 2040
The Government will progressively lift the age of eligibility for NZ Superannuation from 65 to 67, starting in 20 years’ time, Prime Minister Bill English annou...

今の首相は受給開始年齢を変える気ないようだ。ただ、コロナ禍のwage subsidyという補助金で膨れ上がった国の借金はどう返済していくのかを考える必要もある。恩恵をうけた今の現役世代がそのツケを払うのは仕方ないのではないかなと思うけど。ニュージーランドに来る前に歴史をちょっと勉強したけど今の政権政党は借金が多めな印象がある。その辺は数字はそのうちしっかり調べてみるか。

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern firm on keeping Superannuation age at 65
Jacinda Ardern says if the National Party hadn't stopped contributions to the Superannuation Fund, there'd be no need to discuss raising the Superannuation elig...
NZ needs to 'talk about' super age, Judith Collins says
The National Party leader wants to start a conversation about government debt.
Raise retirement age, wind up Super fund - think tank
Think tank proposes increasing retirement age to 67 and winding up NZ Super Fund.



Tougher residency rules for superannuation passed
The residency rules for superannuation apply equally to people born in NZ or overseas.





