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以前にこんな記事を書いたがこの時点でResident Visaの審査期間は2年ほどの状況だった。

この記事をみてSMCの審査期間の長さに驚いた。 ただ、これは4月の記事で最近は変わってるのかなと思って調べてみたらさらに伸びていた。下表は2021年7月26日現...


How long it takes to process an application
Wait times for NZeTA, visitor, student, work and other visas.

そんな中で申請期間限定のResident Visaが発表された。

2021 Resident Visa
If you are a work visa holder in New Zealand or a critical purpose visitor visa holder you may be eligible for residence under the new 2021 Resident Visa. Some ...



Applicants must have met the criteria on 29 September 2021.

To be eligible you must:

have been in New Zealand on 29 September 2021, and
be on an eligible visa or have applied for an eligible visa on or before 29 September 2021 that is later granted.

You must also meet ONE of the three criteria:

have lived in New Zealand for three or more years, OR
earn at or above the median wage ($27 per hour), OR
work in a role on a scarce list.

2021 Resident Visa
If you are a work visa holder in New Zealand or a critical purpose visitor visa holder you may be eligible for residence under the new 2021 Resident Visa. Some ...


2021 Resident Visa
This visa was for people who were in New Zealand on 29 September 2021 and met residency or work requirements. It closed to new applicants on 31 July 2022.

対象者は16万人以上とも言われていて、現時点で1万人が審査待ちで審査期間2年ほどの状態にそんなに殺到したらどうなるんだろうと思ったが、最後に処理期間12か月以内と書いていた。Skilled Migrant Categoryの審査はEOIでの申請内容が正しいかどうかの照合作業、なんて聞いたことがあるので今回の単純明快な資格基準では審査期間が短くなるのかもしれない。

Processing timeframes

It is expected the majority of applications will be processed within 12 months, with most being processed much faster.

2021 Resident Visa
If you are a work visa holder in New Zealand or a critical purpose visitor visa holder you may be eligible for residence under the new 2021 Resident Visa. Some ...


